Friday, September 21, 2007

Western Food

Western Food are mostly grilled or pan fried. The flavours are always black pepper, BBQ sauce,
mint sauce, tomato sauce and they also use a lot of butter. Western food is simple to prepare
and plain in taste except when served with sauces like BBQ sauce, Thousand Island sauce or
This week my son requested for Western food and we went to Dennys & Partners Cafe in
Klang Town which serve quite tasty western food. They have quite a number of choices of appetisers, soups, chicken, lamb and steaks and wide selection of drinks from coffee, cappuchino
to fruit juices and ice creams.

Grilled Lamb with mint sauce and thousand island sauce.
This grilled lamb looks good and tastes good but the meat is too tough! It comes with mashed potatoes,lettuce leaves and slices of tomatoes.

French Gordon Blu Chicken with thousand island sauce.
This dish is actually chicken stuffed with ham, coated with bread crumbs and deep fried.
The chicken is aromatic and tastes good. It comes with mashed potatoes , lettuce leaves and slices of tomatoes.

BBQ Sauce Chicken Chop with thousand island sauce.
The BBQ sauce is a bit sweet and has a nice fragrance and it goes well with the fried chicken.

This outlet , though located in a quiet area behind Klang Parade, it attracts a lot of customers especially families and youngsters during the weekend mainly because the price is reasonable.

If you share the same interest as me, i.e. food, leave me a line.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fruits Galore

I am back with more Malaysian local fruits to introduce to you. Imagine and enjoy how
colourful and tasty the fruits are....

Juicy...juicy mangoes
Mangoes are grown abundantly in Malaysia. There are so many varieties and each variety has its own unique taste. The flesh is smooth, juicy, sweet and very delicious.

Langsat- lots 0f them

The langsat come in bunches with thin yellow skin. The flesh is transparent with small seed inside it. It is sweet and sometimes a bit sour. It is nice and you will just continue eating non stop.


Malaysian pineapples are grown abundantly here. Most of the varieties are very sweet,
juicy and has a nice fragrance. Pineapple juice is just irresistible. Some are canned for export.


This is a unique fruit with a thick green skin. The flesh inside looks like pinkish nodules
transparent and sweet . Some other varieties are sweet and sourish. Very juicy and the best
pomeloes are planted in Tambun, Ipoh, Malaysia. It is a favourite fruit for the chinese especially
during festive months.


Potusan ...close up

This spiky red fruit is the original version of the rambutan family. The name itself is in hokkien
dialect. The flesh is similar to rambutan but the texture is smoother but as sweet as rambutan.

There are still a lot of other Malaysian fruits. When I do get pictures of them , I will share
them with you.
If you share the same interest with me, i.e. food, drop me a line.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Fruits Galore

Malaysian local fruits are in season. Have you tried our delicious Malaysian local fruits?
I was at this Malaysian Farmer's Fruit Carnival held in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
in early August to capture the festive mood there. Though I expected much more variety
of local fruits on display, but it turned out not many farmers participated. Lets follow me on
my fruit journey...

Durians...durians ...everywhere..

Durian upclose...

Either you love it or you loathe it !! This is Malaysian King of Fruits known as Durian.
It has a very strong smell and you can smell them even from a distance. The meat is yellowish
in color, fleshy, sweet and a bit bitter . The taste is very strong and unique. Most local
people love to eat this thorny fruit.
How many of you hate or love this unique fruit, perhaps you can relate your stories here....
in the COMMENTS section.


This purplish rounded fruit is just awesome. It is sweet and a bit sourish. The flesh
is white and juicy with a few seeds inside. Do you know the thick skin contains lots
of antioxidants and some health food companies have turned the skin into some health food


This hairy red rounded fruit with white flesh is sweet, juicy and a bit crunchy. Looks
familiar, it is a popular local fruit.

Jackfruit is a longish, rounded green fruit. Inside the thick skin, is a round yellowish
flesh with seed. It is sweet in taste and has a nice smell. The flesh is crunchy and

Dragon Fruit
This red beautiful fruit is actually not local. I am not sure where it originated , but
somehow our farmers manage to cultivate the specie here and now the fruit is grown
abundantly here in Malaysia. The plant looks like cactus tree and the fruit inside is red
or white with black tiny seeds which are edible. It is sweet and juicy.

I will continue with more fruit journey on my next posting.
Meanwhile, if you share the same interest, please drop me a line.